In honor of our dear Doctor Stuanton, I will be serving each of you a serving of omelet for the final conclusion of this weeks' tale. It was at the request of my best cook who seemed more excited than usual to perform her weekly duties and suggested the idea over a plate of our usual scones with blackberries. Therefore, if you choose to eat the omelet then you DO NOT believe the doctor since there is nothing to fear and an omelet is just an omelet. However, if Doctor Stuanton's tale haunted you with such fantastic visions of intestinal poisoning then you may order the scones and decide that her omelet recipe was able to defeat the Ottoman Army.
Either choice will be served and we shall toast Doctor Staunton on a most delicious tale for the week.
Now, which do you prefer?
A. Omelets please, I doubt it ever happened. (not true)
B. For the love of the Queen, I must have the scones! The omelets are poisoned and we will surely suffer dire consequences. (true)
I love omelets, I truly do; and before I order I must confess that I still question the motives of the young lady who accepted the derringer in exchange for her compliance with Dr. Staunton's scheme.
ReplyDeleteThe reason for this is another story I've heard whispered among the servants of the sultan of a nearby province (discretion prevents me from naming the province directly) of a young woman who forced her way into the sultan's bedchamber with the intent of rescuing her sister - who was that night to be initiated into his harem.
The sultan was quite impressed with her boldness of spirit and agreed to let the sister go in exchange for the right to court his young aggressor. They were married two months later, and when I visited I took note of a pearl-handled derringer pistol on the wall of the sultan's study.
It's also of note that his wife prefers to manage the kitchen, and is reputed to cook a sumptuous omelet.
That being said, I believe I will order the scones, for I appear to have quite lost my taste for the alternative!
I vote the story true!
What's this? Oh yes, scones please, I don't think I could stomach an omelet after such a tale. I don't doubt the tale of Doctor Stanton in the slightest. I shudder to think of what I would have done in the same situation! I dare say bad eggs would never have crossed my mind. Cheers, Madam Doctor. and well done!
ReplyDeleteAnd a smidgen of milk please...I think it might improve upon this Caravan tea...and a few more lumps of sugar?
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ReplyDeleteThe scones are indeed the wise choice. Since my dear cook would not taste the omelet herself I would have to agree that an omelet is not just an omelet but an intestinal nightmare of which I do not choose to participate. Ah, yes... Now that I think about it I recently heard of a doctor experimenting with the effects of botulism during combat. Amazing. I had no idea that was you and to think I have been serving you this boorish caravan tea all the while. What a pity. This calls for my best tea hidden in a box in the back.
ReplyDeleteI shall award the doctor's efforts with a small bowl of what the Spaniard's call Flan. Do not worry since I have prepared the flan myself and I assure you it is completely safe. Also I will include a free subscription to Lady Finley's Jams & Spotted Dicks Club for the upcoming year. Bravo, Doctor, Bravo!
Now if you please, I ask that you invite our next noble adventurous soul to share a tale as we begin a new week shortly.
Oh goodness me, Flan! I've heard of it, but I've not had the opportunity to taste it. It rather looks like a stiff sort custard doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping that Miss Bevan will treat us to her tale of how she found the lost city of Altantis and then, most unfortunately, lost it again.
Is there some sort of sauce that goes over this flan?
Oh dear! Atlantis is a tricky sort of place to find. I thought I found it once but it turned out to be Venice. However, it turns out Venice was far more interesting than one would suspect. They have a strange preoccupation with wagering on the life of the Pope. I myself wagered and won a sizable sum which I used to finance a diving bell. Very curious indeed, and I would be most curious to hear your tale of discovery. If you would please begin us with a new topic my dear Miss Bevan.