Sign on the Door reads as follows:

Sign on the Door reads as follows:
The Finley's Royal Tea Emporium & Steamery is for members of the royal society, inhabitants of London, star-gazers, scientists and any other roving loons who may discuss the matters at hand without becoming agitated. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable as we prepare for low tea and some rather bland digestive biscuits that would regulate an ox.

Inventions Room

Here are a few tips to identify and correctly examine what an automaton may look like. This shall be most useful in the event one of our members may be unfortunately replaced by an automaton.  Please note: A required removal of automaton may become necessary before the impending annihilation of humanity and/or London.
  1. Quiet Unassuming Fellow
  2. Never partakes of tea and biscuits
  3. Will not make direct eye contact
  4. Body displays rigid movement 
  5. Walks approx. 7-10 mph (may clank upon movement)
  6. Smells of oil and gears
  7. Monotone Voice
  8. Attacks tea house patrons with choppy movement
  9. Destroys London
  10. Kills the Queen

The book cover to the critically acclaimed novel, The Yeti & the Mountain by Sir Doyle
A survivor's tale recalling his ordeal of living through an Avalanche and an attack of the Yeti; all without the benefit of shoes or a coat.  London  reviewers claim "Gobsmacking!" and "Not poppycock."

Postcard addressed to Finley's Royal Tea Emporium reads as follows:

Dear Lady Finley and esteemed colleagues,
We have finally landed on Venus and I have discovered that the local Venusians are most hospitable.  I was given a cyclomer to explore the terrain.  It's an amazing invention since I am able to cross wide oceans and great mountains.  Wish you were here.
Major F. Jack Collins

Alleged wife of Sir Steven Chadwick Doyle.  Egad... she was ugly!

Major Collins using the Finley Hypo-Steam Glider on a Transatlantic glide from London to Georgia.  I do hope he remembers to get the peaches as it is most necessary in the making of a new tart recipe.

The Finley Mechanical Servant is perfect for any family or home.  
The queen has one, shouldn't you?
 Only 1 pound

Postcard from Venice.
Inscription reads 
"My dearest Lady Finley,
Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. This town is strange.  Dare I say it suspends my disbelief at the lack of good stiff drink to be found here in this watered-down town.
Wish you were here, Samuel Taylor Coleridge."

The Ottoman Whisk & Wacker is perfect for late night raids of empires and/or 
baking fine English tartlets. You may also acquire yours for only 1 shilling.

The Jules Verne Autograph Card.  
Inscription reads " To the Major, I am delighted that you survived the fall
 and only broke 3 ribs.  Yours in Science, Jules Verne"
Collector edition for only 8 pence.

Collins' Bulkhead Sledder is world renowned as the first sledder to ever ride 
from the Moon to the Earth.  10 person maximum on earth. 
Replica for only 1 pound.

Plato's Bottle of Aether
(Not for Sale)