Sign on the Door reads as follows:

Sign on the Door reads as follows:
The Finley's Royal Tea Emporium & Steamery is for members of the royal society, inhabitants of London, star-gazers, scientists and any other roving loons who may discuss the matters at hand without becoming agitated. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable as we prepare for low tea and some rather bland digestive biscuits that would regulate an ox.

-Obligatory Rules-

Welcome one and all to the grand Finley's Royal Tea Emporium and Steamery.  

I suppose some ground rules are in order. 

Rule #1: When asked to tell a story please be as detailed as possible.  The story must be "absolutely" true, although some embellishment is both encouraged and expected.  Unmasked liars shall lose their tea privileges for the evening.  

Rule #2: Other patrons are encouraged to question the more incredulous details with the final judgement as to a story's truthfulness resting with a general consensus.  I myself will call for the vote.  

Rule #3: Once a story has been deemed true and authentic the storyteller may then ask another patron to regale us with another tale of their choosing. 

Rule #4: Once all patrons have given a story and an outcome is decided then the reverse order of patrons goes in effect.  Therefore, if you were given a tale by someone previously it then becomes your turn to choose a topic in retaliation.  Bear in mind this is a friendly game and any topic may be interpreted any way the selected storyteller sees fit.

Rule #5: Once the reverse order is judged the patrons must judge all stories and declare the victor.  The victor shall be judged on "truth", embellishment, and improvisation . The victor will receive a suitable prize based on their achievements and also gain our utmost respect.

Rule #6: Another round begins.

Rule #7: Shenanigans. Should a story, a comment or a vote be deemed offensive and/or of limited usefulness by any individual involved in the current discussion, he or she may immediately call "shenanigans!" on the offending material. A vote is immediately held, and if it is indeed decided that the material in question is nothing more than cheap shenanigans on the part of its' author, then it will summarily be ignored. Should the offending material be someone's story, then another individual is immediately called upon by Ms. Finley to tell a story more worthy of our consideration. If it is a remark, question or a vote, said person's vote on the story at hand is forfeited, and they shall have no tea.