Sign on the Door reads as follows:

Sign on the Door reads as follows:
The Finley's Royal Tea Emporium & Steamery is for members of the royal society, inhabitants of London, star-gazers, scientists and any other roving loons who may discuss the matters at hand without becoming agitated. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable as we prepare for low tea and some rather bland digestive biscuits that would regulate an ox.


A Return from Mesopotamia

    I must apologize for my absence from the Steamery these last months due in part to a matter of most importance concerning the trade routes of Great Britain and Mesopotamia with India and the East.  After our last encounter, I was summoned by the Queen to head directly to Baghdad in secret and speak with the Emir at once to assess the situation.  Unfortunately, the Emir was in a bad mood upon my arrival and had cocked up the whole bloody discussion with that hot temper of his and a most distasteful need to have the last word.
As the diplomatic lady that I am, I decided to summon everyone into one room and suggested that an agreement must be reached either by diplomacy or by the mechanical means that had followed me into the room.  My two automatons certainly had the ability to encourage more "civilized" discussions until we all could come to a trade route agreement.

Amir Habibullah Khan

Once they were "persuaded" an agreement formed quickly and we all enjoyed a delightful cup of tea and conversation. The Emir even had some humorous tales to tell  that eased the tension of the room and formed a  crooked lil' grin under his wiry mustache. However, one detail he mentioned was a name I recognized from our party and a tidbit of curious information that I would love to hear the details of.  It seems our very own Dr. Staunton was single-handedly responsible for the invention of  Pig Latin which according to the Emir  inadvertently sparked the latest revolution and how it also ended it.   Please doctor delight us as to how Pig Latin came to be so popular and the details of this curious revolution that he spoke of.


  1. Elcomway omehay, milady! It is good to see you back! London simply hasn't been the same without you.

    As an aside, do you think we should have a secret pig-latin password with which we could identify other members?

    ...if, for some reason, we were deprived of our other senses, or if one of us were mysteriously replaced by some sort of automaton.

    That way our ecretsay ocietysay could remain... well... secret.

    1. And I missed you as well my dear Jack. In fact, I thought of you these past months while away and at one point considered sending for you. I certainly could have used your assistance handling the tetchy moods of the Amir and the Raj. However, my orders of secrecy were considered paramount by the Majesty herself.
      Luckily, I packed two models of the Finley Mechanical Servants along who provided a fair bit of diplomacy for the Raj and the Amir. In the end they both agreed that they never liked automatons and could see a way to make a few concessions.

      I have given much consideration to the idea of a secret pig-latin password and I quite agree. It's absolutely necessary for the safety of our society and we must vote (poll listed under posting box) for the best option by the end of the month. I have also included special tips on how to identify an automaton in the invention room which may prove useful in such a scenario.
      Good thinking Major. Now take your usual chair and relax... what can I get you from the kitchen? A blueberry tart-let perhaps?

    2. Plendidsay! And while heavens know I value your taste above all others, I believe I am in the mood for a tart of the.... emonlay variety.


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