Sign on the Door reads as follows:

Sign on the Door reads as follows:
The Finley's Royal Tea Emporium & Steamery is for members of the royal society, inhabitants of London, star-gazers, scientists and any other roving loons who may discuss the matters at hand without becoming agitated. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable as we prepare for low tea and some rather bland digestive biscuits that would regulate an ox.


The Devil wears Purple

Shall we proclaim Mr. Babyliss' to be a international agent of operatic wonder or did the fat lady sing on this tale?  Do you believe based on the details that he was able to pull off being an opera singer and thwart our queen's attacker?  Does Thou sucketh?
As always we shall enjoy a celebratory tasting of an unusual dessert and the tea of your choosing.  Our dessert for the week's end is a cake named Red Velvet Death enhanced with rum soaked cherries. I was having a devil of a time deciding what dessert to choose when I was struck by the glory of the Grand Opera House. The red velvet curtains really are lovely and death is such an intriguing theme.

Once a decision has been made we shall begin a new round.  I would like to take this opportunity to discuss the events of our next round.  I think it would be terribly interesting to let each of you choose a story of your own to reveal more incredible details concerning your character and some of the amazing accomplishments you have achieved. We will still come to a decision on whether we agree that you could have achieved such feats and the "truthfulness" of your tale. The order will occur in the same manner as last time.  Major Collins will be the next tale after a decision has been made concerning Babyliss.


  1. I must admit that I've never been fond of the theatre. Why sit and watch a ficticious life that hasn't actually happened when very intriguing drama happens in reality?

    I am a woman of facts and with photographic evidence of the facts of the case before me, how can I dispute Mr. Babyliss' tale? Well done, Mr. Babyliss, well done indeed!

  2. Perhaps it's the well documented burning of the theater combined with the extra evidence Mr. Babyliss brought to bear, or perhaps it's the rum-soaked cherries, but I believe him.

    Oh I do confess I was a bit skeptical at first. I could hardly believe a phonograph stuffed away beneath the stage with the lamp lighters could possibly deliver the auditory performance of an operatic virtuoso, and the mental image of a man with a steam-powered suit under his clothes stomping across the stage to the bleating of an opera's horn section tickled my imagination more than a little.

    Nonetheless, I say let it stand! Slice me another piece of that lovely cake (mind you, don't skimp on the cherries) and I shall sit - nay, stand - firm on my willingness to believe such a wonderful and preposterous tale!

  3. AHEM, I d-eclair (yum), has everyone fallen asleep?

    Too much "Red Velvet Death" cake or just too much "Rum" in the cake.

    Anyway, would anyone like to hear about the time I almost singlehandedly saved the day at the charge of the Light Brigade"?


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