Sign on the Door reads as follows:

Sign on the Door reads as follows:
The Finley's Royal Tea Emporium & Steamery is for members of the royal society, inhabitants of London, star-gazers, scientists and any other roving loons who may discuss the matters at hand without becoming agitated. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable as we prepare for low tea and some rather bland digestive biscuits that would regulate an ox.


Igpay Atinlay or When Pigs Fly?

In honor of Dr. Staunton's delightful tale of mysticism and trickery
 the tea house will be serving the following for the entire afternoon:

Darjeeling tea 

Butter Biscuits with Smoked Ham 

and Cherry Glazed Sausages

I shall call upon you to ponder Dr. Staunton's tale and decide whether you choose to believe that she invented   the language of Pig Latin which inadvertently began a revolution and also ended it or choose that the entire tale was a complete farce which one can only respond by stating "When Pigs Fly"